Delicious December

To my faithful friends - I hope you had a unbelievably amazing holiday and are now enjoying some well deserved rest and relaxation.  I am on vacation right now and wanted to pop in for a quick second and join my blogging buddies for this month's edition of Weekend Warriors.  

We decided that this month we would stick with what comes along with the holidays and that is FOOD!!!  I don't know about you, but I've been eating NON-STOP since Halloween!  Guess I'll be joining the millions of other people with the New Year's Resolution of losing that extra weight.  At least I had fun doing it - right?

So I'm going to share a super yummy, super easy, crowd pleasing recipe with you today.  This is my go-to item to bring to get togethers, make for parties, etc.  Everybody loves it and it is SOOOO easy.  That is what I need in my life right now, so I was thinking that maybe, possibly you did too.  

I discovered this taco dip recipe during (wait for it)...............

Home Economics in high school.  LOL!!  No lie!  

I don't even remember if we took someone else's recipe and modified it for an assignment or if our teacher gave us the recipe, but I do remember writing it down and NEVER forgetting it because I loved it THAT much!  I know there a gazillion variations of a layered taco dip, but this one is my favorite because it's so simple.  

So here it is:

I'm sorry I don't have any pictures for you, but I promise that people WILL eat it and they WILL love it!  And if for some reason I'm wrong, then more for you.  #winwin

I didn't want to leave you with only one take away for the day so I wanted to share a few of the recipes I have found on Pinterest and actually tried out for my family and loved.  If you click on them they will bring you right to the pin.  




BTW I do eat other things for dinner besides chicken but I haven't found any great recipes that I've tried out yet.  These pins are all on my Favorite Recipes board on Pinterest if you are looking for more ideas.  I can't vouch for them all yet, but boy do they sure look yummy!  

I hope you are able to find more tasty items from my friends below.  Thanks for checking in this month!  


Hey, hey!!! 
Did you stop by because you saw the word FREEBIES in my title???  
I don't blame you - freebies are FUN!!!  

So I'm not going to take too much of your time today - I'm just going to get right to it!  Then of course you should check out the other freebies in the link-up by clicking the picture above to go to Primary Powers.  

My freebie for you today is part of my Animals in Winter unit.  I'm sure you are in the middle of a Holidaze right now in your classroom, so I wanted to give you something that you could use after the holidays when the dust has settled and the Christmas cookies have all been eaten.  

This freebie has some fun, easy printables for you to use when teaching about Animals in Winter.  To grab your freebie, click on the picture below.

If you want to check out the whole unit (which is one of my favorites!!!), click HERE.  I just sent out for my copies of this unit so I can be prepped and ready for the new year.  

Happy downloading and of course, Happy Holidays!!!